7x7 AGAINST ALL Candle + Oil, Contra Todo Veladora + Aceite, Santeria, Brujeria, Hoodoo, Voodoo, Magick, Wicca, Rituals, Fixed Candles
7x7 AGAINST ALL Candle + Oil, Contra Todo Veladora + Aceite, Santeria, Brujeria, Hoodoo, Voodoo, Magick, Wicca, Rituals, Fixed Candles
7 day yellow candle dressed with herbs and oils, 8" tall + Prayer
1/2 oz anointing oil
This powerful candle is 7 times more powerful than the average candle. This candle helps you Fight, Defeat and Destroy ALL that is holding and keeping you down, giving you bad luck or bleeding you of your money, success, and happiness. This candle will work for you to help you get what you want and need. Pray over it daily, saying your wish and prayer each day 3 times. If you do this, legend says that all spells, curses or jinxes on you will be broken for good.
how to use 7x7 oil:
-Use The 7 Powers to Go Against Your Enemies.
-Fight All Those That Are Against You.
-Bring Luck and Money To You.
-Remove All Obstacles in Your Way.
-Give Power To Spells, Healing, Prayers
-Add Power To Candles, Incense, Rituals, Spells
-Anoint Body, Door Knobs, Candles, Bath, Incense
-For External Use Only (Do Not Eat or Drink)
The Product(s) in this listing is (are) for religious or curios purposes only.